Monday, June 17, 2013

4 Home Remedies For Insomnia

Many people suffer from insomnia.  This can be caused by stress, and it can make people become even more stressed as a result.  It is impossible to “catch up” on sleep, and trying to function all day on just a few hours of sleep can be close to impossible.  Sleeping pills can be addictive and harmful, but insomnia can cause depression and other health issues.  That is why trying these four home remedies for insomnia is a better choice.


Sugar is a home remedy for insomnia that most people have never heard of.  Eating or drinking something with sugar about thirty minutes before going to bed can work as a sedative.  Some great things to try are having a little snack of milk and cookies before bed.  Although, the cookies should not have too much chocolate in them since chocolate has caffeine in them.  Putting sugar or honey in warm milk or tea is also a great thing to drink before going to bed.

Bedtime Snack

It seems odd to eat right before going to bed; however, certain foods have tryptophan as an ingredient that helps the brain fall into a slumber state.  This is why eating a small snack that have the chemical tryptophan in it is a great home remedy for insomnia. Milk, cottage cheese, cashews, and soybeans are a great snack that all have tryptophan in them.  Chicken and turkey also have tryptophan in them, so having these foods as a late dinner could also work to help fall asleep.

Bedtime Routine

Just as children tend to go to sleep easier when they have the same bedtime routine, adults can also benefit from having their own bedtime routine.  Having a bedtime routine is a great home remedy that will help the brain and body “know” when it is time to unwind and settle down to sleep.  These routines can be different for everyone and certain routines can affect people differently.  This is why trying the same routine for at least a week before changing it is best.  Hot baths can be a calming experience for some people; however, it can also stimulate others and make it harder to fall asleep.  This is why testing different things for a week can help decide what the best bedtime routine will be for each individual.  Using Epsom salts in a nice hot bath can make the body relax and help to make sleep come more naturally.  Drinking herbal tea such as chamomile after a hot bath can further relax the body to make falling asleep easier.

Limiting Caffeine and Alcohol

Doing things about insomnia is important, but not doing things can be just as important.  Another home remedy for insomnia is to limit the amount of caffeine and alcohol that is consumed each day.  Although alcohol can make people fall asleep, it can also make people wake up in the middle of the night with a headache and a full bladder.  When a headache and/or bathroom break wakes people up, it is harder to fall asleep because the sedative effect of alcohol has worn off.  That is why limiting the amount of alcohol that is consumed is important.  Having just one glass of wine can help people fall asleep without having the awful side effects associated with consuming too much alcohol.  Caffeine stimulates the brain, and therefore, can make it harder to fall asleep.  That is why it is best to limit the amount of caffeine that is consumed during the day, and to stop the consumption of caffeine at least eight hours before bedtime. 

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