Thursday, January 15, 2015

Home Remedies For Constipation

We all suffer from constipation at some point in our lives. Check out these home remedies and get your body function better for you.

Being regular varies from person to person so there is no real standard of what is normal and what is not. Regardless of how many times per day or week you have a bowel movement, when the symptoms hit, it can be very painful and inconvenient. If your stool is dry, painful, or hard, there is a good chance you are dealing with constipation. The good news is there are several home remedies that you can use to help offer you some relief. Let us look at some of these to help get you on the road to feeling better soon.

Fiber Is One Of The Best Home Remedies
Many times when you are having issues having a bowel movement or if the bowel movement is difficult, adding some fiber to your diet will help. The daily-recommended amount is 20-30 grams. Fiber can be found in many things you likely already have at home such as whole grains, vegetables, and fruits. Although fiber will help get your bowels moving correctly, remember that it is important to drink lots of water with the fiber. If you don’t, you will find that fiber can have the opposite desired effect.

Exercise Is Not Just For Weight Loss
In today’s world were many of use spend hours upon hours behind a desk whether at work or school, getting a little exercise is a good idea. Not only will the exercise keep you healthy, it can also help get your bowels working better and relive your constipation. Start with gentle workouts such as stretching and walking briskly. Once you have gotten accustom to working out regularly add in more things such as brisk walking, running, cardio and biking. A healthy body will help make sure you don’t suffer with bowel issues.

Establish A Time To Have A Bowel Movement
Just like most other things, having a schedule might help your issue. Try to schedule a small amount of time, about 10-15 minutes, each day where you can sit and just allow your body to do the work. It is suggested that you do this in the morning after your quick workout to help get your body on a schedule and to give yourself some uninterrupted time to concentrate on the task at hand. If you allow yourself to have this time it will help you relax and should help your bowels start to move. If you are stressed out or rush it, your bowels will not want to do their job.

If these home remedies do not work or you suffer from constipation for longer than 7 days it may be time to give your doctor a call.

1 comment:

  1. Very impressive contribution!!! My wife is suffering from hemorrhoids. But she don’t go to doctor because she feels embarrassed to go to a doctor or to the pharmacy to ask for a hemorrhoids treatment , I love her too much and want to help her. So that’s why I am reading and looking for some home remedy to help her. And I would say that your article is really helpful and keep on sharing such information!!!
