Monday, June 3, 2013

7 Home Remedies For Morning Sickness

While nausea has no true cures, there are quite a few home remedies of morning sickness that can take the queasy feeling out of your stomach. Approximately 85 percent of women in the first three months of their pregnancy, experience nausea, dry heaving, and vomiting. Changing some of your dietary habits may help take the queasy edge off, and can provide natural home remedies for morning sickness.

1-Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits, like lemons, oranges, and limes can increase the acid in your stomach that you have lost during vomiting, that can cause that nauseous feeling. Try squeezing some into hot water.

2-The Old Saltines

Crackers, like saltines, are easy on the stomach and can absorb excess acids, if you have too much. Graze on some during the day and before you go to bed, and you may find that queasy feeling subsiding.

3-Fruits & Veggies

High water content fruits and vegetables can refresh lost hydration that can make you feel lightheaded and nauseous. Try apples, melons, grapes, carrots, and pears. Much of the water you ingest through the day comes for fruits and vegetables. 

4-Potato Chips

Potato chips while a guilty pleasure otherwise, can be beneficial in preventing vomiting, much the same way crackers will. Eat plain potato chips free of Olestra which is a fat substitute, and can cause diarrhea.

5-Vitamin B6

Many doctors will recommend a vitamin B6 supplement, which can help you with nausea. Speak to your family doctor before taking this however, so you know what dose is appropriate for your body type.

6-Cruhed Fennel
A tincture of crushed fennel in warm water can be fantastic home remedies for morning sickness. The Chinese have been using this as a cure for nausea related to morning sickness for centuries, making it one of the oldest remedies.


If certain scents trigger a bout of nausea or sickness, keep an herbal mixture of lavender and thyme on hand to clear your nasal passages of whatever foul scent is bothering you. This can help quite a bit when your stomach begins to turn.

Using any number of these home morning sickness remedies can ease the passing of the first three months of your pregnancy, helping you to stay comfortable and happy when you would otherwise feel that unsettling nausea. While prescription nausea medications can be damaging to a developing child, these natural methods are safe and effective for you and your rapidly growing baby to ingest at your leisure. 

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