Thursday, August 22, 2019

3 Home Remedies For Getting Rid Of Fleas

A recipe for flea spray

There are flea sprays that are out there and you may find them to be effective, maybe not. Some of these sprays may make a difference but most likely, they will not get rid of the fleas completely. Try the easy to use, easy to make recipe to make flea spray. This is just one of many home remedies for fleas. Use a gallon of vinegar, half gallon of water, 16 oz. Lemon juice and 8 oz. Witch hazel. Combine these ingredients together and vacuum every day for a week. Spray this mixture every seven days for at least two weeks to enjoy a flea-free environment.

Use Dawn and salt

Killing fleas in your home can be an especially trying adventure. There are several home remedies for fleas and here is a little known remedy. Putting down lots of salt on the floors and carpets in your home can really help. After putting the salt in your carpet, wait about twenty four hours and then vacuum the carpet. Doing this every other day will rid your home of fleas. You must remember to keep this up or the fleas will come back. Bathing your pet in Dawn dish detergent about once a week or so, is another effective way to rid your pet and your home of fleas. Dish detergent, especially this specific brand, will kill fleas on contact and it is much less expensive than buying dog shampoos that claim to kill fleas and ticks.

Use a flea comb

Using a flea comb on your pets can work wonders. This seems like it should be an an obvious choice of home remedies for fleas, but most people do not use a flea comb on their pets. Using a dry flea comb to swipe and then throw fleas into a bowl of water and dish soap is a great remedy. Do this every day to make sure that your pet is rid of fleas. This process only takes about ten minutes for the average sized cat and maybe twenty minutes for the average sized dog. Run your carpet sweeper or vacuum every day and throw out any fleas that you may find. Drowning them in water is a good idea. Make sure that you keep your linens washed and fresh.  Keeping up this routine will surely make the fleas disappear and help keep them away.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Three Different Types Of Coughs

Having a cough can be a pain. If you know what type of cough you are experiencing then you will know better how to treat it.

If you are dealing with a cough, you want to get rid of it quickly to avoid the pain and the annoyance of it. The key to getting rid of your issue is knowing which type of cough you have. Here we will take a look at the different types so you know how to deal with it and treat it.

This one is the most common type that typically affects people who don’t have a cold just yet to go with it. You will know if it is the dry type due to its lack of phlegm or sometimes that might be just a little phlegm. It usually happens due to having an upper respiratory infection that you don’t know you have just yet. It may also be followed by a sore throat, laryngitis, influenza (the flu), head cold, and sinusitis.

This type is considered a productive cough because it will produce phlegm or mucus when it happens. This type will usually indicate that there is an issue within your body and mainly in your lungs. It can lead to Pneumonia if not treated early. Pneumonia cause the air sacs in your lungs to fill with viruses and fungi that can lead to inflammation.

This type is associated with coughing fits – uncontrollable coughing that happens for several minutes. In many cases this is caused by asthma, bronchiectasis and tuberculosis. Bronchiectasis will cause the airways to widen which is what causes the coughing and could lead to permanent damage if not treated.

Home Remedies For Coughing
·         Peppermint has menthol in it which will help ease your issue. You can use it in tea, in water and can also purchase candies that have peppermint in them for quick relief.

·         Honey is another great home remedy that will not only coat your throat and offer you some relief but it will also help you sleep better too. Sleeping better will help aid in your recovery.

·         Eucalyptus has also been proven to assist in loosening up the mucus in your lungs and throat. While you may find you are coughing up more mucus it is always best to get it out of your body.

·         Warm drinks such as hot tea, chicken broth and coffee will help relieve the itching and scratching in your throat. Avoid using milk products in these drinks since dairy will only add to your mucus problem. You can also put honey in your tea to not only sweeten it but also to help you sleep better afterwards.

If your issue persist for more than a few days, schedule an appointment with your doctor.