Sunday, November 25, 2012

Home Remedies For Irritability

Irritability is not something that can easily be treated with home remedies but there are a few things that will work. First you need to know the reason for your irritability which can include stress at school, work or even within the family. The emotion is usually a reaction of the brain to an excessive amount of stimuli. It may not be a symptom for a condition but its presence can be a sign of a serious illness.

Home Remedy #1 - Chamomile

A good home remedy for irritability is chamomile tea which helps because of its high content of antioxidants and other oils which help relax the muscles. The amounts of free radicals in the system are also reduced when you have chamomile tea. When irritability is caused by fatigue or mental anxiety and depression, this wonderful drink will help with its sedative properties, usually leading to general relaxation. You can find fresh chamomile in your local flower nursery.

Home Remedy #2 – More Sleep and Valerian Root

If you are suffering from insomnia or abnormal sleeping patterns, that can lead to irritability. That is because your body will repair itself both mentally and physically while you are asleep so a lack of sleep leads to irritability. Valerian root is used to improve the overall quality of your sleep and to reduce the time that it would take for you to reach the stage of REM sleep so take it before bed.

Home Remedy #3 – Flaxseed Oil and Nutmeg

There are also home remedies for irritability when the patient is a child. Some of the common ones include the use of flaxseed oil which can help children relax and become sleepy. This can be taken in capsules before bed. Nutmeg in milk can also help irritable children and not much of it is necessary. If the emotional state continues for over a week, you should talk to your general doctor. 

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