Tuesday, June 18, 2013

3 Home Remedies For Back Pain

Back pain is one of the most common types of chronic pain in the world. Back pain can be caused by many different things including; pregnancy, heavy lifting, injuries, and poor posture. There are numerous pain medications that when taken over a long period of time can be very harmful to the body. While some people may need to also take some kind of back medication, there are some home remedies that can lessen back pain.


There are many different stretching techniques that people can use to relieve back pain and do right in their own home. When people are able to do it, making bridges while lying on their back can really help stretch the lower back out. All they have to do is lay on their back, bring their knees up, then push their bottoms off the floor using their feet making a “bridge” or arch in their back. Doing this repeatedly going up and down can help this stretch be more effective. Another great stretch for the back is to lie down on the back bend one knee up keeping the foot on the floor, then lifting the other leg up keeping it straight and making small circles in the air. These stretches are great home remedies to help back pain become a little more tolerable.

Hot & Cold Therapy

Putting heat on the back can help calm the muscles and alleviate the source of the back pain. For heat people can use a heating pad, heated patch, hot stones, or a microwavable heating pack. It is nice to rest the back from time to time especially when more pain is starting up again, and adding heat to a nice rest can help relieve some of the back pain even more. When adding heat to the back for pain, it is important to also use cold packs to this kind of therapy. Back pain can be caused by inflamed muscles, and heat can sometimes cause this to happen. Putting a cold pack on the inflamed area of the back can help to release this tension on the back and make it feel better. These two processes are great home remedies to try for back pain.


Part of what makes pain worse is stress. Having chronic back pain can get really stressful, and that stress can actually cause more pain and make it worse. Making sure to have good relaxation techniques during the day as well as at bedtime can help to alleviate some stress, which can help to also alleviate some of the back pain. Meditating is a great way to relieve some stress, and this can be done during the day as well as in bed right before going to sleep. A nice hot bubble bath can also be a great way to relax and unwind at the end of the day. Just taking time to relax is a good home remedy for back pain that is simple for anyone to do.

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