Sunday, June 16, 2013

4 Home Remedies For Allergies

While serious allergies need to be discussed with a doctor, there are several home remedies that can help with common allergy problems.  These remedies have been practiced and tested, and they can be used safely from the comfort of your home.  Home remedies can be safer and more cost effective to use on mild allergies, so trying these four home remedies can be a great thing to do.

Peppermint Tea

Drinking peppermint tea is a great home remedy to try clearing the sinuses.  Peppermint has substances in it that work as a decongestant, anti-inflammatory, as well as a mild antibacterial agent.  Drinking some peppermint tea at night can help make it easier to breath while going to sleep. 


Another home remedy for allergies is breathing in steam to help clear and refresh the sinuses.  This can be as simple as running a hot shower and closing the door to the bathroom.  Starting out the day with a hot shower and breathing in the steam can help refresh the sinuses and help to get going.  Ending the day with a hot shower while breathing in the steam can help to clear the sinuses and make it easier to breathe while trying to go to sleep.  Heating water in a bowl or pot and putting a towel over the head making sure to also cover the bowl or pot can give the same effect.  This can also help save more water than running a hot shower to provide the steam.


Wasabi is in the horseradish family, and both can be used as a home remedy to help allergy symptoms.  These spicy condiments help with mucus flow and clear the sinuses.  These are pretty spicy, so try putting some on a sandwich or other food instead of eating it plain.  Wasabi is great with Japanese food, and a little can go a long way.


It seems so simple, but making sure to wash the pollen and allergens off of pets and people is one home remedy that should not be ignored.  When people spend a lot of time outdoors, they tend to carry pollen and other allergens inside with them.  It is a good idea to take a shower before sitting on furniture and going to bed after coming inside to prevent those allergens to get trapped on furniture inside.  Make sure to wash pillow cases, sheets, blankets, and furniture with fabric often to get rid of dust mites.  It is also a good idea to wash pets often to prevent allergy irritation caused by them.  These allergens can be washed away with warm water, so this is something that can be done every day.

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