Thursday, June 20, 2013

4 Home Remedies for Bug Bites

Bug bites can be one of the most annoying parts of trying to spend some quality time with family and friends outdoors. Whether people are trying to have a nice picnic in the fresh air, or trying to relax in front of a nice backyard fire, there are always a few bugs that just can’t get the clue. People can spray as much bug spray as they want, and light as many bug repellant candles as they can, but there are still going to be some nasty little bugs that will get to them when they least expect it. Bug bites can cause red, swollen, and itchy irritated bumps. When they are scratched, it can cause the skin to become infected making the rash worse. Thankfully, there are some home remedies that can help to make bug bites a little more tolerable.

Salt & Baking Soda Paste

Salt and baking soda paste is the most helpful home remedy for reducing the itch and pain associated with bug bites. To make this paste, just combine equal parts of salt and baking soda, and then add enough water to create a thick paste solution. The affected area(s) just need to be covered with the paste, and left on for as long as needed to sooth the rash.

Ice Pack

Applying an ice pack to swollen skin has proven to be an effective home remedy for bug bites. The ice pack should be left on the bite for about 15 minutes once every hour for the first six hours after the skin was bitten. Keeping the skin cool will help to numb the area, and reduce most of the pain. It can also help soothe the skin to relieve some of the itching. Finally, cooling the bug bite with an ice pack can also reduce the swelling.

Treat the Skin

To prevent the skin of a bug bite from getting infected, it is important to treat the area quickly after the bite occurs. The best way to treat the affected skin from a bug bite is to first wash it with soap and water. After the area has been washed, rubbing alcohol or antiseptic should be applied to the skin. If the bites still become irritated after the skin has been washed, an antibiotic ointment should be applied to the skin and covered with a bandage. This will help prevent itching, which will help keep the skin from becoming infected.


An unusual way to use oatmeal can actually provide some comfort to itchy irritated skin caused from bug bites. Adding oatmeal to a nice hot bath can help soothe all of the bug bite areas on the skin. It can help with the pain and the itching, and it can leave the skin feeling better for hours after the bath as well. Grinding a cup of oatmeal in the blender will help make it dissolve faster and easier in the bath water. 

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