Friday, June 21, 2013

4 Home Remedies for Depression

It has been a rough decade for the United States’ economy, with more and more Americans becoming affected by it with depression. There are so many families without enough money to pay their bills and without good enough credit to get a loan. There are many parents out of work, and all of this has also been affecting the children. Children can see how much their family is struggling despite how hard their parents try to shield it from them. This has been a devastating time, and depression has taken its toll on so many people. Depression can lead to serious health problems, and it should not be ignored. Those suffering from severe depression should see a doctor and get help, but others that occasionally feel sad and irritable might be able to take comfort from some home remedies.

Licorice Root

There is an herb called licorice root that can help lessen the feeling of depression. This herb should not be taken by people on certain medications without consulting a doctor first, because it can interact negatively with some medicines. The licorice root herb slows down the production of cortisol (stress hormone) in the body, which therefore slows down and lessons the effects of depression.


Another herb that can work as a home remedy for depression is chamomile. It is really good when taken as tea, and it works especially well at bedtime. This is because it works as a sedative to calm people down.

Ding Xin Wan

There is a Chinese herbal home remedy that helps to treat insomnia, loss of appetite, and irritability called Ding Xin Wan. These are all symptoms of depression, so this herbal treatment essentially works on treating depression. It has been used to treat these conditions since ancient times, and it has been considered one of the best remedies for treating these conditions.


There are certain activities that can be done at home to improve the feeling of depression. Exercising has been proven as an effective activity to release stress and tension. Exercise also produces natural endorphins in the body, which act as a natural pain reliever and mood stabilizer. Another activity that can help relieves stress and help people deal with their feelings of depression is meditating. When people learn how to meditate, they are able to fully relax. This form of relaxation has been known to help people’s moods and relieve some of their stress. Yoga is yet another activity that people can do from home to help with their depression. Yoga helps people learn how to stretch and exercise the right way to release natural endorphins and relieve stress and tension. 

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